Monday, January 15, 2007


Synergy - the total effect of a group working together is greater than the sum of the individual effort.

Jan. 16th 2007 @ 7pm - 1st meeting of our group "Synergy" at Boise State in 2007. I am speaking tomorrow, and I am pumped too see what God has in store for us this semester. As some of you probably know we officially combined two groups on campus which then became three groups on campus. The three churches recognized are Broadway Baptist, Eagle Christian, and Calvary Chapel of Boise. I am going to be speaking about Eleazar. I am really inspired by his warrior, and fearless mentality. It is a great story of how his sword and him become one. While spending the time really tearing this verse apart I can't help but be lifted, and almost get a cold chill down my spine. As we embark on this new semester, I ask for your continued prayers. As our group continues to grow, and if this semester is like last semester many new footsteps will continue to be drawn to the Lord and His Word. My prayer is that this semester we will see God take what we all learned last semester and grow upon it and put the words we hear and speak of into action. Let the generations that are upcoming be Godly leaders and mentors. I pray that we would begin to see a presence of our Lord in pockets around the campus. And as the pockets begin to penetrate what satan has placed his name and claim on that we will be able to wash away any imprint that he has on this campus with Christ's annointing blood. I love college students and I am truly blessed to be a small part in a battle that seems larger than life. We are on a very liberal campus! There was a boy that was jumped by another on campus one night last semester, and come to find out that the boy who was jumped was gay. Now I think it is terrible that this boy was jumped and I pray that this certain boy who claims to be gay would some day come to know the Lord. However since he was gay, there was a huge rally that was put on by I believe the students and the elected Student Body Members to make a statement that they think he should be treated equally as a straight would, and that he was only jumped because he was gay. Well I know of many people that were jumped in my day and all of them were straight, and I don't ever recall a huge rally of about a thousand students about the situation then, but for some reason or another there is one for this gay male. Well I pray that one day some students will rally and hold a rally about not teaching both evolution and about creation etc. I know this might seem a bit bold, but you understand what we are up against. My motto however is what it has always been... "kill them with kindness" it is hard for people not to like you or too down right hate you when you treat them like Christ would.


Tadd Grandstaff said...

that's awesome bro...I will be praying for you man!

Tadd Grandstaff said...

hey is what I got for you with the church websites!

SPARKY said...

i love that pic. i'm right there w/you. love what you had to say. very passionate and so you. i know your heart and this post expresses it well. i love you

Meg said...

I know you are excited about what God is doing and I am excited to hear about it! You will be in our prayers as you meet and continue to allow God to work through you to reach college students around the valley.

Rob said...

That is awesome. I look forward to reading about what GOD has done as you allow HIM to use you. Way to go you make me proud.