Friday, February 9, 2007

Gator Anyone?

Gator Gator fo fator, banana nana fo fator. green and yellow..... GATOR!
Ok the question that I poll the audience with is simply this.

When is a boy to young for his first green and yellow John Deere Gator?

I long for the day that he climbs into his first trusty Gator. His head filled with visions of transporting dirt and rocks from one job site (our backyard) to the other. He carefully loads his stout, and rugged friend with its 35 pound payload. As he strategically maneuvers it down the old dirt road aware of it's imperfections (dog poop). He pulls up to his destianation with a pure sense of joy. A joy that a man can atest to with a job well done. He unloads himself from his machinery, and pulls firmly on the lever to dump his cargo. His load is poured with pinpoint accuracy. The sweat from under his John Deere hat pauses for a momment on his brow. He looks up to his Foreman for approval. The Foreman looks down with a grin, picks him up, and tells him how proud he is of his accomplishments. After the boy recieves his accolades he crawls back on to his Gator, and repeats the process.
That is why I feel that after his 1st birthday that following spring. The boy and I will go and kick some tires and maybe test drive a few Gators. Then we will haggle a bit with the dealer, and eventually that afternoon the boy and I will drive his new Gator onto the jobsite (our driveway) and begin our chores.


Well I saw this picture today and it reminded me that I have not gone up on the hill to ski at all this season.

Downhill skiing is one of my favorite things to do, and I did not buy a pass this year simply because I was afraid I would not get to use it. Well I am glad I didn't because the truth is I would have probably only used it once thus far. Well it is funny how things change as your life moves forward. I sit here in my office at home while the little one takes a nap.
It is funny how things change so suddenly. I would not change it for the world, but it is funny how things change so fast. This just reminds me to hold on to each moment for the moment and not worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will worry about itself!

Thursday, February 1, 2007

Prayers answered!

Well let me give you a quick update about Synergy.
1st week 32 people.
2nd week 45 people.
3rd week 56 people.
Well that is a huge anwser to all of your prayers! Along with that we met another group that is running around 50 that meets on Wednesday nights. I got to talk with the leader of the group, and he talked about his vision, and the things God has been giving him visions about. Well it is a God thing because they were exactly the same things I feel God has given us a vision of. Wow are you kidding it is so amazing to see what God is doing on a very liberal campus. We are talking about helping one another out, but what is even crazier to think about is the leader whose name is Mark talked to me on tuesday night about what he thinks God is going to do. He talked to me about Nazareth. You know the little town where Jesus was from. Well if you really study Nazareth you will realize that this was a small town kind of an armpit of everyone else right. Well this town wasn't really known for anything and really nothing was ever expected to come out of it. Well he said look at Boise. We are kind of the same way. I mean if you go anywhere outside the borders of Idaho and you tell people where you are from they quickly say "Potato Land" or something like that. Well up until this last year or two some people are starting to think about it where Boise State Football has become a popluar item around the country. Anyways he feels and believes, and strangly enough this is what I envisioned a long time ago, that Boise will be the next Nazareth. Think about it. This will be the place where a great movement will start, and will affect, Eugene, then Portland, down to Salt Lake, to Seattle, to Denver, to California etc. You get the idea. Well God does use the weak things, or the small things for the biggest things to fullfill his Will. So be proud if you are either living in Idaho, or are from Idaho. We are on the move and we are going to see God move in this valley ironically called the "Treasure Valley". Maybe think of it this way. Why do you think all of these people are moving to Boise, and the surrounding areas? I truly believe it is more than just finding cheaper homes, and a safer place to raise their kids. Look threw it all and you will see His presence amongst us and our entire valley. Are you ready? Are you like Eleazar with your sword clasped in your hand. Are you like David running toward the front line to bring honor and glory to God at all cost without hesitation. The fight is coming! Arm yourself, because the battle is near!!!