Well this is a question that I think most dog owners will ponder on. They say that dogs are man's best friend. Well I would have to agree with that phrase. I mean no matter how angry you get with them, maybe forget to give them there food one morning when you were late for work or maybe have failed to just take some time out of your week to run them at the park or nearby field etc,. there tails keep a waggin. I think that most of us could learn alot from our canine friends. They truly love unconditionaly. They only ask for a small token of your time, and without fail they love you and get so excited to see you. I think it is hillarious how my three dogs will start talking to me when I walk out to the kennel in our garage to let the dogs out. They just want to be loved by you and want to please you in any way they can. However on the flip side, they are also the most expensive friend I have ever had. I don't recall ever having to bail a friend out of jail... well not yet anyways! My brother in-law Jake told me one time that the cheapest thing about a dog especially a hunting dog is the amount of money you spend to purchase him or her. Well let me just say this... "point taken." My most recent pup "Husker" my english pointer got out of the backyard by climbing the fence. Well he did not turn up at all the entire day, so the next day I went to the pound and had to bail him out. To make things worse, I guess he got into a nearby yard where some folks had some chickens and you do the math. I later in the week went to appologize and try to offer to buy some chickens for the lady, but she said that there was not need because the rooster that he ate was a family pet of 7 years. I almost started laughing inside. My crazy dog is just so full of energy! Let me put it this way. Husker makes coffee extremely nervous.
$575 to buy your first hunting dog
$300 to buy wireless collar
$135 to purchase hunting license in OR and ID
$130 to pay for vaccines
$35 to buy more wire for kennel where dog chewed threw metal
$125 to replace sprinkler line, sprinkler head, and two new shrubs eaten by dog
$45 to get dog out of pound
1 dead 7 year old rooster and your hunting dogs first kill - PRICELESS!
at least he's got his looks going for him or he'd been out a long time ago :o)
How do you comment on that. With Sadie we have not even hard her a month and we have almost spent more after getting her than we did to buy er.
isn't that the truth--i love the post. it made me laugh--out loud even!
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