Monday, June 9, 2008

du dat ta cycle

As I sit on the floor in an empty vacant home while doing an open house I thought it would be a great time to write. This past weekend Steph and I bought Rykon this small box of 5 motorcycles. He seems to have some type of obsession with them now... thanks Rob... Well there are 5 motorcycles that are about 5 inches long and stand about 2-3 inches tall. The package contains one blue Yamaha dirt bike, a Suzuki street bike, Honda CBR, a Harley Davidson chopper, and I am not sure what the other one was. Well I decided to pace ourselves and see what he thought of them. I gave him two of them. He eyes both of the bikes in my hand and instantly yells du dat ta cycle which simply put means motorcycle. Not sure why he does not sound out the "m" since he can say more and ma ma. Well the small gift was a huge success! Since Saturday night both motorcycles have toured the concrete of the driveway, the wood paved roads of the flower beds, the tall light brown weeds aka the living room carpet and the smooth cruising surface of the tile floors in the kitchen. All in all I think we have surpassed the 6 months or 2,500 mile bumper to bumper warranty on both bikes. He has pushed and pulled those two bikes for miles. It brought back memories of my childhood. We had similar toys that we put nearly 30,000 miles on... I have the calluses on my knees to prove it! All in all I am well pleased that $10 today still goes a long way for the happiness of one small boy. Have a great day!
God Bless.


SPARKY said...

adorable is the best way to put it. i just love to watch him play. there is nothing more sweet. watching him create and imagine. it's what being a kid is all about right? i agree. great investment

kitkat said...

There's nothing like a child's first encounter with something new in their life and their version of the vocab. Phil and I still remember P*****'s first word for motorcycle..."no suckers". Awesome.

Meg said...

Hey, Happy Father's Day!!